
Showing posts from October, 2019

Effectiveness of Sheep Drenches

Sheep drenches play a vital role in controlling worms in sheep. Drenching is a method used to administer a large oral dose of liquid medicine to animals. Internal parasite infestation is one of the major reasons for production losses in sheep farming in the UK. Liver flukes, lungworm and gastro intestinal roundworms are the most important parasites that should be controlled. Using drenches effectively is the important thing to regulate worms. Effective use of sheep drenches means not overusing drenches and using them only when required. It can be crucial to choose the right drench that's more efficient against the type of worm that infests your sheep. Multi active and long acting drenches should be utilized after an amount of warm wet conditions, as such conditions are favourable for the worms and parasites to thrive in. You should use single active sheep drenches in dry seasons, only if they're required. It is very important to make use of effective drenching techniques. A...